
Paper Clutter

According to Natural Health Magazine 50% of the clutter in our lives is paper.  With all the talk out there or paperless office, paperless bills, paperless receipts, paperless travel you would think that statistic would be much lower. 

I am trying to reduce the amount of clutter in my life and I think 50% might be a little high for me but it would still be a huge benefit to simplifying my life.

Steps I can take:
  • Avoid printing items.  Instead ask if I can email, save to PDF, travel without paper documents
  • Call mail distributers and ask to be removed from their mailing lists
  • Sign up for "Do Not Mail' Lists (http://www.directmail.com/)
  • Sort what I do have (Sentimental, Practical) and get rid of the rest
  • Make use of the programs on my smart phone to avoid scratch paper (Notepad, Evernote)
I plan to track the paper that comes into my life in February and what is done with it.  My goal is that only critical items are kept (car registration for example) and everything else is dealt with appropriately. 

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