
Fresh Start

I love New Year, a fresh year with only possibilities, no regrets and no mistakes – Yet!

This blog is part of my new year’s resolution.  Learn something, do something new, share with others.  I know I will make plenty of mistakes (many of them spelling and grammar) but the mistakes awaiting us in 2013 are worth the reward of moving forward and growing.

2012 was an interesting year that taught me a lot about accepting changes and challenges.   Luckily, I discovered minimalism and some amazing blogs just in time for a major move.   I believe that I am moving into this fresh year with an outlook that is less focused on stuff, less focused on quantity and more focused on quality.

So in 2013 I am resolving to try to become a minimalist. I own more than 100 things, I have a car, I commute to my job as an architect and I buy things that I need, probably  things that I don’t need too, so I am not a radical minimalist.  My goal is to change my perspective and maybe share that with a few of you.   

I will try to post daily and stay with a fairly regular schedule of topics ranging from books and other blogs I’ve found insightful to minimalistic products or processes to my sketches for ideas for living in smaller houses and apartments. 

 Please let me know what you think, and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! Glad I found your blog-can't wait to see what's in store! I, too, am trying to own less things and live a simpler life :-)
